CLI ™ SNM intelligent fleet management solution integrates the superior technologies of cruise monitoring systems based on GPS satellite positioning and Internet-connected wireless network camera systems:

  • Following the trend of industrial development generation 4.0 combining virtual systems and entities, thousands of Internet connection (IoT) and Internet connection systems (IoS).
  • Take advantage of the versatility of the cruise monitoring system using GPS satellite navigation technology, sensor parameters on vehicles and integrate with cameras to provide live video or replay video recording on the way to achieve Maximum safety, performance and performance of drivers in operating public passenger transport vehicles (buses, trains, ships) or specialized transport (fuel and material transport precious or dangerous goods). Reduce the cost of information technology human resources and invest in data center hardware storage.

System components:

Journey monitoring equipment satisfies the requirements of the National Technical Regulation on cruise monitoring equipment of cars QCVN 31: 2014 / BGTVT.

  • High resolution IP camera network, shock-resistant and extreme temperature:
    • High compression ratio with bandwidth suitable for many mobile data connection service conditions.
    • Optimal camera selection according to the purpose of observation
    • Multiple zones automatically detect motion
  • Embedded computer platform connecting to the Internet, processing and collecting various information sensor data, compressing video recording for live or on-demand playback, automatic control and communication information with centers Executive or follower on the Internet. Synchronize data with sensors outside the camera, the vehicle's travel coordinates.
  • Control center with high-level virtualization server technologies, operating software based on digital GIS mapping and automated intelligent processing. Flexible data management: on the car, connect via 3G online or transfer to the center automatically when there is a WIFI connection, recording at the center with hot backup automatically backs up incident cases.
 Technical features:
  • Synchronize images from multiple cameras on the vehicle to one image and access images according to the location of the GPS cruise monitoring.

  • Watch and record videos directly from multiple cameras at the same time. The number of images to be recorded and the speed at which the post-check is set is required by the user.
  • Search and retrieve effectively images recorded in the past.
  • Display real-time vehicle speed status on the map interface. Warn by color, bells ring every time a vehicle exceeds the prescribed speed, stop parking at the wrong place ...
  • Monitoring on large format screens (videowall).
  • Control the recording, scanning, camera image functions with joystick, mouse and special touch screen directly on the map.
  • Intelligent image analysis: motion detection.

 Chức năng xem lại hình ảnh theo thời gian/địa điểm/camera. Vạch màu trên đường đi của xe thể hiện tốc độ của xe: tốc độ cao (màu xanh), tốc độ thấp (màu vàng), và đang dừng đỗ (màu đỏ) giúp quản lý, theo dõi các hoạt động bất thường trên xe.
Image playback function by time / location / camera. Color bars on the road of the vehicle show the speed of the car: high speed (blue), low speed (yellow), and stopping (red) to help manage and monitor unusual activities on car.

  •   Accessing business operations from many places on the Internet and a data service center helps to reduce IT human resources costs and invest in data center hardware.
  • Image playback function by time / location / camera. Color bars on the road of the vehicle show the speed of the car: high speed (blue), low speed (yellow), and stopping (red) to help manage and monitor unusual activities on car.
  • Optimizing logging / data transfer methods to minimize Internet and 3G service costs.


  • Equipment for monitoring compliance journey QCVN 31: 2014 / BGTVT
  • GPS 32 channels, accuracy of 2.5m CEP
  • Up to 4/8 camera connectors
  • Camera resolution up to 2MP
  • Standard H.264 image compression, optional frame rate as required: 25 frames per second to 1/5 frames per second.
  • IP camera, IP66 protection standard
  • Operating temperature 0ºC ~ 50ºC

Datasheet CLi SNM




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  • No. 95 Ly Nam De street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi, Vietnam


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